Thanks for the Memories! December 5- 9, 2024
Over 209 Species seen in 2024. Sign up for updates for 2025 here.
Highlights – Brewer’s Sparrow, Large-Billed Tern, Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, Vermilion Flycatchers, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Black Rail, Tropical & Western Kingbirds, Black Scoters, Snow & Painted Buntings, Roseate Spoonbills, Nelson’s & Saltmarsh Sparrows, Bachman’s Sparrows, Florida Scrub Jays, Fulvous & Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, 22 species of ducks and mergansers. Thanks to all who joined us on this special adventure and the leaders and volunteers who made it all work!
Visit the NORTH SHORE BIRDING FESTIVAL website to survey the offerings from 2024. Similar trips will be offered on 2025. You can email, or call for more information: festival@orangeaudubonfl.org or 407-637-2525.
We love our volunteers! If you are interested in helping out at the next Festival, mark your calendar and contact the email above in Aug/Sept/Oct of 2025. Thank you!
The NORTH SHORE BIRDING FESTIVAL spotlights the St. Johns River Water Management District’s 20,000-acre Lake Apopka North Shore, an Important Bird Area and the top eBird hotspot in Florida. Other trips will visit regional birding sites to look for regional specialties and rarities.
Most trips are based out of the McDonald Canal, CR 448A, Mount Dora, and allow driving into parts of the restoration area that are otherwise inaccessible except on foot or bicycle. All levels of birders, nature photographers and other outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy the field trips, which include trips suitable for children accompanied by an adult.
Field trips cost $25–80, with no additional festival registration fees, and many include a box lunch. College students can participate for half price and there are college student travel scholarships. Keynotes with dinners and night activities are held.
Reservations are required. All proceeds benefit Orange Audubon Society’s fund for a nature and environmental education center and related educational programs.
Visit the NORTH SHORE BIRDING FESTIVAL website to survey the offerings. You can email, or call for more information: festival@orangeaudubonfl.org or 407-637-2525