Upcoming Events
Orange Audubon Society (OAS) offers many events and volunteer opportunities from September through June, with something for every activity level. See our menu of field trips, classes, and workshops to the right.
This includes OAS’ NORTH SHORE BIRDING FESTIVAL, held the first weekend in December to highlight the best of Central Florida Birding.
See the monthly calendar of events below.
Also download OAS’ annual brochure, which has at-a-glance information about all our activities throughout this program year!
Events in September 2024
BIRD SURVEY - Wekiwa Springs BIRD SURVEY - Wekiwa Springs
September 8, 2024Monthly Bird Survey at Wekiwa Springs Park. We will split into 2 groups led by Park Naturalist Paul Lammardo and OAS's Kathy Rigling. We will survey two areas of the park counting all birds we see and hear. We will travel through the sandhill and scrub, near small lakes and other transitional areas. Possible birds: Red-headed Woodpeckers, Bachman's Sparrow, Wild Turkeys, Northern Bobwhite, the occasional Short-tailed Hawk. Registration is required with entry directions provided upon registration. Note: survey begins before park opens so DO NOT enter through main entrance. For registration & to check for any date changes contact Kathy at riglingkathy@gmail.com.
To be provided upon registration -
Limited Edition Field Trip Joe Overstreet Road and Landing, Osceola County Limited Edition Field Trip Joe Overstreet Road and Landing, Osceola County
September 14, 2024Limited Edition Field trip to Osceola County hotspot Joe Overstreet Road and Landing. Listen to the sounds of Eastern Meadowlarks and look for migrating shorebirds, Crested Caracara, Northern Bobwhite and more. Limited to 12 participants. Leaders: Lorri Lilja, Brennan and Ethan Landreville, Alan DeBear and Susan Thome-Barrett. We will meet in the back parking lot of Publix (behind McDonalds), 3372 Canoe Creek Rd., St Cloud 34772, carpool and drive to Joe Overstreet. Cost: $15 OAS members, $20 non-members. Registration required. Go to Activities Tab and click Field Trips Box for sign up. For questions email Kathy at riglingkathy@gmail.com.
To be provided upon registration -
OAS Monthly Board Meeting OAS Monthly Board Meeting
September 19, 2024OAS Board Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month in the Camilia Room at Leu Gardens from September to May (except for December) at 5:45 prior to the General Monthly meeting. In December, the Board meeting is held via Zoom. Meetings can be moved to zoom for safety at the discretion of OAS. Check the most recent OASis for details.
New Orange Audubon Nature Center Update New Orange Audubon Nature Center Update
September 19, 2024Monthly members meeting and presentation. September will be an update on the progress on the New Orange Audubon Nature Center at the Apopka Birding Park. Presentd by OAS and Little Diversified Architectural Consulting. Join us as we share the news on this exciting venture
Bilingual Bird Walk at Orlando Wetlands Bilingual Bird Walk at Orlando Wetlands
September 21, 2024Free Monthly Field Trip to Merritt Island Free Monthly Field Trip to Merritt Island
September 21, 2024Our free Monthly Field Trip takes us to hotspots in Merritt Island. We'll be driving and hiking various areas after meeting at Parrish Park parking lot for carpooling. We'll depart the parking lot at 7:15am. Leaders: Kathy Rigling, Ethan and Brennan Landreville and Lorri Lilja. Limited to 15 participants. To register go to Activities Tab, click on Field Trips Box. For questions email Kathy at riglingkathy@gmail.com
Parrish Park/Max Brewer Causeway -
BIRD SURVEY: Apopka Birding Park BIRD SURVEY: Apopka Birding Park
September 28, 2024Monthly surveys will be held on the property of OAS' new Apopka Birding Park located just north of the entrance to the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. These surveys will help us monitor the birdlife as we begin restoration of this 67 acre property. We'll meet in the bike parking lot located on the right just before the gates to the Drive. To register contact leader Alex Debear at alexdebear@icloud.com.
Apopka Birding Park