Limited Edition Field Trip Joe Overstreet Road and Landing, Osceola County

September 14, 2024

Limited Edition field trips will be kicking off Saturday, September 9th with a field trip to Joe Overstreet Road and Landing, Osceola County. This Osceola County area is a well known birding hot spot.

The road is bordered on each side by cattle ranches and sod fields. At the end of the road is the public boat launch on Lake Kissimmee.

Species we may encounter include Crested Caracara, Snail Kite, Eastern Meadowlarks, Loggerhead Shrikes, American Kestrels, Red-headed Woodpeckers, Northern Bobwhite, Sandhill Cranes, waders, waterfowl and assorted passerines. Pectoral Sandpipers and other shorebirds may be on the sodfields. The nesting density of Bald Eagles in this area is one of the highest in the state. Since this area is rather remote, participants are encouraged to bring drinks, snacks, lunch and sunscreen.

We will meet in the back of the parking lot of Publix (behind the McDonalds), 3372 Canoe Creek Rd, St.Cloud 34772 and drive to Joe Overstreet.  From Publix, drive south on Canoe Creek Rd for approximately 20 miles, Joe Overstreet Rd will be on your right. Address is 4156-4108 Joe Overstreet Rd, Kenansville, FL 34739

Limited Edition field trips are limited to 12 participants. The cost is $12 for OAS members and $17 for nonmembers.  To register please email Kathy at

To be provided upon registration

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