EagleWatch training starts in September through October with the season stating October and typically going through May after successful fledging. To sign up to be notified of a training near you contact eaglewatch@audubon.org
7:00 pm: Educator's Zoom Series - Nature Connections with Feathered Friends
7:00 pm – 7:30 pm September 13, 2023
Free. Educational webinar series on Zoom, sharing easily-applicable curriculum based Cornell University resources for educators. Register at this link: http://eepurl.com/imGskM and you will receive monthly zoom links. Resources provided will direct you to the appropriate classroom age level curriculum. For questions contact Kathy at education@orangeaudubonfl.org
7:00 pm: OAS Monthly Program Freshwater Turtles of Central Florida by Wayne Osborne
7:00 pm September 21, 2023
OAS Monthly Program at Leu Gardens will be " Freshwater Turtles of Central Florida" by Wayne Osborne. Wayne Osborne, a biologist and volunteer on this project, will share details about survey and conservation efforts. He’ll also share how to identify our local turtle species, bringing several species for us to see up close. Join us for this fascinating program. Suitable for all ages.
9:00 am: Dragonfly Identification at Orlando Wetlands Park
9:00 am – 12:00 pm September 23, 2023
Learn about these fascinating flyers and how to identify them with instructors Mary Keim and Randy Snyder as you hike into the Orlando Wetlands Park and take a short jaunt into the adjacent Seminole Ranch. Cost is $12 for Audubon members; $17 for non-members, payable to Orange Audubon Society. The field trip is limited to 15 students with registration required. Contact Teresa at mwilliams@cfl.rr.com or (407) 718-1977.
The second annual Oakland Nature Fest is being held at Oakland Nature Preserve! Enjoy meeting members of the environmental community, participate in animal interactions and guided hikes, learn more at interesting presentations, buy native plants, and much, much more! Admission is free, but donations are gratefully received, and will benefit the mission of Oakland Nature Preserve.Volunteer opportunities for both morning and afternoon shifts are available. Email volunteer@orangeaudubonfl.org.
7:00 pm: BIRD CHAT - Brevard County Fall Birding with David Simpson
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm September 28, 2023
We'll be checking in with David Simpson as he discusses Fall birding in Brevard County. David Simpson does bird surveys at TM Goodwin WMA, is a private guide (Birding with David Simpson), an eBird reviewer and guides at Birding Festivals throughout the US. He'll be joined by Florida Master Naturalist, Dee Simpson, often called the creative side of Birding with David Simpson. To attend this program and receive weekly links to the Bird Chat programs, register at: https://mailchi.mp/18d77cc16d26/bird-chat-registration
7:30 pm: Young Birder's Club Trip to Central Winds Park, Winter Springs
7:30 pm – 10:30 pm September 30, 2023
The Young Birder's Club will visit a Seminole County migrant bird hotspot with a trip to Central Winds Park in Winter Springs, Florida. Located south of Lake Jessup, the park has wooded trails and wooded edges that have been drawing in the warblers during migration. This field trip is for birders under 17 or young people interested in becoming birders. We will meeet in the parking lot by the playground. Free. Leaders: Lorri Lilja and Kathy Rigling. Register via the web or contact Kathy Rigling at riglingkathy@gmail.com. For additional information or loaner binoculars contact Kathy.
OAS performs quarterly bird surveys for the preserve to determine the effectiveness of its sandhill restoration and native plant gardens, a joint project of the preserve and the Tarflower chapter of the Native Plant Association. We'll meet in the parking lot and walk several trails through wooded areas and sandhill restoration areas. We'll be looking for overwintering Grasshopper, Savannah, Field, and possibly White-Crowned Sparrows; Pileated, Red-bellied and Downy Woodpeckers, Eastern Bluebirds and many more. Registration is required, via website or contact Kathy at riglingkathy@gmail.com.